cara ivan gonzalez

16 May 2023

SEIDOR connects with talent through technological humanism

SEIDOR, a technology services and solutions consultancy firm with 8,000 employees and presence in 44 countries, sees a number of complexities in today's environment, for instance, the acceleration of the digital transformation at a time when there is a shortage of IT talent.

What role does technological humanism play in SEIDOR's talent recruitment strategy?

Technological humanism is at the core of SEIDOR and is a differential factor when making connections with different stakeholders and, in particular, with current and potential talent. In an environment of scarcity of IT talent, accelerating digital transformation and an increasingly complex technology ecosystem, as well as geopolitical, demographic and environmental changes, a humanistic approach is critical to our work through technology. SEIDOR therefore envisages technology as a means to make a positive impact in this context, promoting values that make us human and build a better world. Current and potential employees want to be involved in business projects that share their values and are socially responsible. Our actions hinge on ethics, social responsibility and sustainability, variables that connect with the values of a majority of candidates who are looking for an employer whose purpose goes beyond profits.

In what actions does SEIDOR's commitment to the values of technological humanism take concrete form?

SEIDOR's actions in which this humanist perspective takes shape are manifold. Firstly, this guiding principle can be found in the company's own global strategy. This sensibility is also reflected in various initiatives aimed at promoting the personal and professional development of employees or in fostering a work environment that encourages diversity, inclusion, work-life balance and continuous training. In addition, in line with our CSR, we work on projects that contribute to the reduction of the digital divide, we promote ethical management and respect for the environment, and, of course, we support the development of IT talent, as we know it is a key factor in our success.

How is SEIDOR working to attract new talent?

We align SEIDOR's humanistic values with the values of our talent. The company seeks to promote a collaborative and diverse work environment, in which employees' efforts and creativity are valued and opportunities for training and professional development are provided. SEIDOR has collaboration agreements with universities and training centres, and we also implement traineeship and mentoring programmes to effectively integrate new employees. SEIDOR has also adopted flexible working and welfare policies that seek to balance the professional and personal lives of workers.

How are SEIDOR's environmental or ethical management linked to talent management?

Environmental protection is of paramount importance to SEIDOR. That is why we promote ethical management in our work while working to reduce our ecological footprint. In addition, as part of our talent recruitment strategy, we share our collaborators' concern for the environment and encourage this as a corporate value. We also spearhead ethical management in the course of our activity by promoting values such as transparency, honesty and responsibility. These values are present in our day-to-day operations and in our corporate culture. In addition, we uphold diversity and inclusion in our team and our environment to create a more just and equitable world. Today, new talent chooses where to work based on the reputation and values promoted by the company, and SEIDOR's humanistic values, ethical management and environmental protection can be a factor in attracting and retaining talent.

What is the reason behind the collaboration with Sónar?

Our collaboration with Sonar is a way of demonstrating who we are as a company and what we want to achieve. Sónar is a creative and cultural international event that attracts people from all over the world, and our direct involvement in this creative and disruptive event shows our commitment to reflection and promoting creative interaction between people and technology to build a better world. This event is in line with our technological humanism strategy, which is based on using technology as a tool to promote sustainability, relationships and collaboration in the benefit of society. Within the framework Sónar, SEIDOR supports and participates in its international congress Sónar+D, whose programme focuses on technology as a driver of change and creativity to foster an interaction between people and technology that serves to build a better world.

As part of the collaboration with Sónar, SEIDOR invited Kate Darling, an expert in robot ethics. Why?

Inviting Kate Darling to Barcelona to participate in Sónar+D, a congress that describes itself as "antidisciplinary" for its approach to transversal proposals without apriorisms, is an initiative aligned with our approach to technological humanism. Robot ethics is a critical issue in the development of technological solutions and is an important issue for SEIDOR. In this regard, it should be noted that Kate Darling is an expert in robot ethics who gives us the opportunity to enrich the debate and reflect on the challenges of the development of technologies such as robotics or artificial intelligence. Kate Darling's collaboration with SEIDOR and her involvement in Sónar+D shows our commitment to promoting debate and decision-making in the technological field, in line with our purpose of humanising the world through technology.

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