
24 March 2021

The best ERP software with CRM for customer management

ERP software with CRM is essential for professional customer management and for generating value. We'll explain what you need to know to find the right tool for you.

How to find the best ERP software with CRM for customer management: aspects to find out

Cómo encontrar el mejor software ERP con CRM para gestión de cliente: aspectos a conocer

The first thing you need to know is that committing to ERP with CRM is necessary and has high returns. The calculation is that for every euro you invest, you will receive €8.71 in returns; this is a high rate of conversion, therefore, it would be advantageous to have this tool.

The module system has an added advantage; you only pay for what you use. This is very interesting for SMEs because you will avoid the much-feared under-use of resources. And, in addition, you can always activate other compatible modules if needed in the future. SEIDOR Business One uses SAP technology and is a benchmark for several reasons.

The CRM aims to interact with your customers and improve your relationship with them. And it is important to point out that this is a priori, during and a posteriori. This software is used to record the customer's history, but also to know what they are interested in and important appointments.

The aspects to be considered when you want to opt for CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are as follows:

1. Purpose


The purpose of the CRM you are going to choose is a basic question and you do need to ask yourself that question. Where do you want to get with this tool? And, of course, it will be advisable for the software to be able to meet your objectives.

Today, you can find free CRM, but the reality is that the functions it will cover will be limited. So it is worth activating a payment module because, most of the time and if you work with an established company, it will pay off. When you only pay for the module you use, it will be of interest to you.

The advantage of working with SAP Business One is that its CRM solution lets you carry out comprehensive 360º work on customer service. For example, you can monitor the entire customer life cycle, analyse behaviours and see the results of marketing campaigns.

2. Integrations with other modules

The possibility of integrating CRM functions with other modules is important, especially if you operate in sectors such as retail, production, distribution and services. For many companies, ERP that only works on CRM, but does not address mobility, will be hampered.

As a result, you should know that SAP Business One offers the integration of multiple modules. The result is that your CRM can be integrated with other tools according to what you are looking for at any given time. What you are looking for is that you can incorporate what you need, when you need it.

3. Updates

Updates are another of the central aspects if you are looking for good CRM. One of the problems you may find is that your tool gets out of date, especially with free solutions. This is why we recommend paid CRM and a reliable company.

In this case, with SEIDOR Business One, you won't have any problems since it is an established company backed by extensive experience in the market. Automatic updates are standard. Not for nothing, the payment of the module includes this.

4. Security


Attacks are one of the concerns companies have when using ERP. The good news is that SAP Business One, the parent company, is a benchmark in the ERP sector as it is the company that has carried out the most implementations worldwide. In addition, SAP software technology is the most widely known in most sectors.

Today, more than 70,000 companies have implemented this system with SAP Business One. Consequently, if you are looking for a trusted, secure and reliable solution, this is a good option.

5. Accessibility from various devices

Accessibility is another key point when using CRM. And the advantage of working with SEIDOR Business is that access is guaranteed from computers, tablets, mobile phones and other devices. Today, we can no longer think in terms of a single device, but the important thing is to know how to manage access.

The idea is that you can carry out your customer management remotely if you want to, without the physical office being a limitation. During a pandemic, this lets you make the most of your resources and you will see the difference.

6. Ease of implementation

Implementation is another key issue because, in the end, the idea is to not create major difficulties. At SEIDOR Business One, in addition to installing the CRM, timely technical support is guaranteed. This will let you solve the problems being faced so you don't have to stop; no more having to wait for days.

When you specify the solution you need, the company will tell you how difficult the implementation will be. As a result, it will be easy to adapt your workforce to the new system.

7. Automation

Automating processes is essential to not wasting time and making the most of the tool. CRM that achieves this is a valuable piece of software as it successfully integrates functions even within the same module. The tool is designed to make changes without having to look elsewhere.

At SEIDOR Business One, we provide CRM that lets you automate tasks. You will have timely information and all the fields will be automatically edited when you type one. As a result, you will save time, which will improve your figures.


ERP software with CRM; it's good, it's essential and it makes a difference. SAP technology is the benchmark for business software and SEIDOR Business One wanted to offer a comprehensive option. The result is the current SAP Business One: CRM management, compatible with other modules.

At SEIDOR Business One, you will find several solutions adapted to what your company needs in sectors such as industry, distribution, retail, food, fashion and services.

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