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06 April 2023

Benefits of developing an app in the cloud environment

Almost all people and companies are using cloud-based applications and services. This has also caused its development to grow.

Thanks to cloud computing, servers that manage data and workloads can be located in different locations. This infrastructure can even be managed by a third party, allowing them to flexibly contract the computing power they need.

This technology has facilitated the development of applications in a cloud environment, because information can move quickly as if it were running locally, without latency or delays. The development of faster telecommunication networks allows this latency to be reduced, making applications respond faster and in real time.

Cloud-based applications use cloud-based services. For its development, different phases are carried out, in each of which the application is prepared for market launch. Thanks to DevOps practices and tools such as Kubernetes, this development can be done remotely and, by adding Agile methodologies, time and costs can be reduced.

Advantages of developing cloud-based applications

Developing cloud-based applications has significant benefits, many of which are shared with the cloud computing concept.

Some of these advantages are:

  • Security. According to Rapid Scale, 91% of companies consider mobile development in the cloud to facilitate compliance with regulations. Encryption of the data that is constantly being moved across networks and stored in systems is, in fact, the key to this increased security. Encrypting data makes it more difficult for hackers and those who are not authorised to see it to access it.
  • Flexibility. Compared to operating on a local server, the cloud gives companies more freedom. In addition, should your business need additional bandwidth, a cloud-based service can provide it immediately rather than requiring a complicated (and expensive) upgrade of your IT infrastructure.
  • Smart expenditure. Unlike hardware servers, cloud servers can be added as needed. These solutions are applicable on demand, so only pay for what you need.
  • Scalable solution. Using cloud-based services allows you to expand your product whenever you like. You just need to buy additional space in the cloud and you're set. In the case of hardware services, this is almost impossible. You must pay for the additional server configuration for each user individually, which can take a long time and effort.
  • User analysis. Cloud storage helps to gather knowledge about what functions are useful for the user and which are not, having access to information about the user's experience with the application. This gives you an excellent opportunity to monitor the application's deficiencies and improve the product with the following version.
  • Supplier support. When using the cloud, you don't have to worry about supporting the server's infrastructure. Crashes, bugs, rollbacks and other server stuff: This is the responsibility of the cloud provider. This way, you only have to focus on the maintenance of the product.
  • Increase in collaboration. On a cloud-based platform, team members can easily and securely view and share information. Some platforms even offer areas of collaboration and cooperation to link employees across the company, which increases interest and commitment.
  • Quality guarantee. All files are securely stored in the same style in a cloud-based system. You can preserve data consistency, eliminate human error and also have a solid record of all edits or modifications if everyone has access to the same information.
  • Time saving. Developing applications in the cloud saves time for IT departments. As software updates and maintenance are regularly managed by the cloud provider, the IT team can focus on other relevant tasks.
  • Ease of deployment. Cloud-based applications are easier to deploy than traditional ones. For example, some parts of the deployment process can be automated, such as testing the application before going live. Even server provisioning can be automated.

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