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18 June 2024

Keys for Infrastructure Maintenance in a CPD

In today's business market, data has become one of the main assets of any business, being vital to ensure the continuity and efficiency of operations. In this context, the maintenance of infrastructures in a CPD is essential for the optimal functioning of the Data Processing Center.
In this article, we will develop everything you need to know about this type of maintenance and the challenges it faces.

The importance of infrastructure maintenance in a CPD

The CPD is a valuable resource for companies because it houses a large part of their key technological resources. Good infrastructure maintenance of a CPD improves the following aspects of operations:

  • Ensures the full availability of the CPD, preventing failures and problems, ensuring that the most critical services and applications for the business are available, avoiding unplanned downtime and interruptions.
  • Detects failures and problems, allowing for the resolution of issues that affect infrastructure performance and energy efficiency.
  • Reduces long-term system costs by avoiding significant failures or downtimes.
  • Prevents cyber attacks through actions such as software or firmware patches or updates.

Types of infrastructure maintenance in a CPD

The infrastructure maintenance of a Data Processing Center (CPD) can be divided into three types: corrective, preventive, and proactive. Any maintenance strategy must consider that these three types complement each other. Below, we will explain each of these types:

  • Corrective maintenance: It is carried out when it is necessary to repair any incident or failure that has occurred in the CPD. For example, repairing a server when it stops working, replacing network hardware if the connection fails, or data recovery.
  • Preventive maintenance: It consists of scheduling periodic reviews of the CPD precisely to prevent any problems from occurring. Preventive maintenance includes actions such as regular equipment inspections or system updates.
  • Proactive maintenance: New technologies and advances in the field of data analysis or artificial intelligence have offered the possibility of anticipating any problem that may occur. This type of maintenance goes a step beyond preventive maintenance and establishes continuous monitoring combined with predictive analysis.

It is worth noting that, to ensure optimal maintenance, it is advisable to have a comprehensive maintenance service. The specialized management of these systems is increasingly complex and requires an expert to tackle this task with a global vision, as all actions are interconnected.

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Challenges We Face with Infrastructure Maintenance in a CPD

Digitalization has brought about a true revolution in companies. However, as we have mentioned before, systems are becoming increasingly complex and the exponential speed at which changes occur means that infrastructure maintenance faces a series of challenges.

The specialized management required by increasingly complex systems.

Avoiding any interruption

Digitalization has led to a greater dependence on technology, and any failure in it can have serious consequences, such as economic costs derived from downtime or loss of productivity in one or several operations. To mitigate this, we must value preventive or proactive maintenance and allocate resources or hire an external service that has the experience and the necessary technology to carry out an infrastructure maintenance service for a CPD that goes beyond the standard service.

Adapting to technological changes

As we have also mentioned before, another challenge that arises is the dizzying speed at which changes occur. Those in charge of CPD maintenance must incorporate measures into their maintenance system that not only ensure its proper functioning but also the updating and modernization of the data center infrastructure. This involves not only the incorporation of new measures, techniques, and technologies but also the removal of those that are already obsolete or do not function optimally.

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Take IT management to the next level

Thanks to SEIDOR's expertise in infrastructure management and the support of IBM, we manage and evolve your resources.


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Why is it so useful? Basically, because it offers simplified management and monitoring of AI activities in your business, providing total control over automated operations.

SEIDOR brings the WatsonX platform to your company

At SEIDOR, we have been helping companies like yours improve their profitability for more than four decades. We do this by implementing the best digital solutions and providing a top-notch human team. Our priority is to offer you the best service so that your business grows sustainably.
We are aware that it is not always easy to take advantage of the opportunities offered by emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or generative algorithms. That is why we strive to make these and many other proposals accessible to all types of organizations so that they can benefit from them in their daily operations. Contact us now, enjoy the peace of mind that comes from working with SEIDOR, an expert in IBM solution implementations, and elevate your business to Industry 4.0 with WatsonX.