
14 June 2023

Remote voice control of mobile apps: a productivity improvement like none we've seen.

In the era of mobile technology, where smartphones have almost become an extension of ourselves, we are constantly looking for ways to increase our productivity and simplify our daily tasks. In this context, voice has become a powerful tool to control our mobile apps, offering an improvement in productivity like nothing we've seen before.

Until recently, users relied mainly on the touch interface of their mobile devices to interact with their apps. However, with the advances in voice recognition and artificial intelligence, we can now use our voice as a means to remotely carry out a wide variety of actions in our mobile apps.

The ability to control apps using voice commands can have a significant impact on productivity, as it allows us to carry out actions faster and more efficiently. Instead of having to open an app and browse through menus and options, which can be tedious and repetitive, we can now simply use verbal commands to perform specific tasks.

Uses of remote voice control

A clear example of this is the use of virtual assistants such as Apple's Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. These virtual assistants have proven to be very useful for performing everyday tasks through voice commands. We can send text messages, make calls, set reminders, play music, obtain information, and much more, simply by using our voice.

In addition to virtual assistants, many mobile apps are integrating voice control functions into their own interfaces. Productivity applications such as Evernote, Trello and Microsoft Office now allow users to create notes, add tasks, draft emails and edit documents using voice commands. This saves time and effort, especially when we are out and about or have our hands busy with other tasks.

Voice commands have also been shown to be particularly useful in situations where the use of touch interfaces is not practical or safe. For example, it is dangerous to divert our attention from the road while driving in order to interact with our phone. However, with voice control, we can continue using our mobile apps without taking our eyes off the road. This improves safety and reduces the risk of accidents.

Another area in which remote voice control of mobile applications has had a major impact is accessibility. For people with visual or motor disabilities, voice control opens up new possibilities and allows them to use their mobile devices more efficiently. These people can send messages, make purchases, use maps apps, and carry out many other tasks without relying exclusively on the touch interface.

Continuous improvement in the accuracy of voice recognition and the ability to understand natural language are also driving the growth of voice control in mobile apps. As artificial intelligence algorithms become more and more sophisticated, virtual assistants and mobile apps can interpret and respond more precisely to user voice commands.

Challenges associated with voice control

Even so, despite technological advances, there are still some challenges relating to the mass adoption of voice control in mobile applications. One of the biggest challenges is data privacy and security. When the voice is used as a means of control, audio information is sent and processed, which raises concerns about privacy and secure storage of user voice data.

Another challenge is the language barrier. Although virtual assistants and mobile apps are increasingly trained to recognise different languages, they still have some difficulties when it comes to understanding certain specific accents or dialects. This can limit the usefulness and user experience in different regions of the world.

Despite these challenges, voice control in mobile apps has a promising future. As technology continues to progress, we are likely to see significant improvements in the accuracy of voice recognition, adaptation to different languages and dialects, as well as a more robust approach to data security and privacy.


In conclusion, remote voice control of mobile applications is a revolutionary productivity improvement that allows us to interact more efficiently with our mobile devices. From performing daily tasks to improving accessibility, voice control offers a faster, safer and more comfortable way to use our mobile apps. As technology continues to progress, we can predict a future where voice is the main control method in our digital lives.