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06 June 2024

WatsonX: drive the use of AI in your business operations

WatsonX: boost the use of AI in your business operations

If you want to get to know the features of WatsonX in depth and how it brings artificial intelligence to your company, stay with us. In the following sections, we will explain why we say we are immersed in a new digital revolution and what your company can do to take advantage of the functionalities provided by AI and machine learning. Discover how these cutting-edge technologies will take your company to the next level and what WatsonX offers in this regard. You can't miss it!

The challenges of artificial intelligence in the fourth industrial revolution

The fourth industrial revolution, sometimes known as Industry 4.0, has transformed the business landscape. Without going any further, it is increasingly urgent to opt for technological platforms that efficiently integrate artificial intelligence into operational processes. Obviously, in the case of organizations, it is essential to create AI projects tailored to the needs and objectives of the business. And, as you can imagine, this has notable consequences: a series of challenges arise that must be overcome. What are these challenges?

  • Monitoring and optimization of AI systems. Once implemented, AI systems require constant monitoring to ensure their proper functioning. It is true that they save a lot of time on repetitive tasks, but they also require maintenance to ensure their accuracy in execution.
  • Gestión de datos masivos. Las empresas cada vez tienen que gestionar bases de datos más complejas. La recopilación, almacenamiento y procesamiento eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos es un verdadero reto, pues de estas labores depende en parte la efectividad de los algoritmos.

AI model development process. The development of AI models requires a team of specialists and the investment of many resources, in addition to having quality data.
Demand for greater operational efficiency. AI presents itself as a key tool for improving operational efficiency through the automation of repetitive tasks, process optimization, and data-driven decision-making. However, correctly integrating artificial intelligence is a significant challenge that must be overcome before achieving results.
Adaptation to changing markets. AI can provide valuable reports through data analysis and trend prediction, but its successful implementation requires a deep understanding of the market in which the company operates and accurate adaptation.

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WatsonX, la plataforma de IBM que lleva la IA a tus operaciones

Los retos analizados en el apartado anterior pueden ser resueltos de forma efectiva gracias a WatsonX, la plataforma de IBM diseñada para integrar la inteligencia artificial en las operaciones de tu empresa de forma sencilla. ¿Cómo funciona cada uno de sus componentes? Vamos a conocerlos en profundidad a continuación.

Plataforma WatsonX

Cuando hablamos de la plataforma WatsonX nos referimos a una herramienta integral para crear proyectos de IA personalizados para cada empresa, sin importar su sector o tamaño. Su principal objetivo es gestionar todas las fuentes de datos y favorecer la adopción de la IA de manera responsable y confiable. Se presenta como una plataforma única, abierta, selectiva, fiable y capacitadora.
¿Cuáles son los puntos fuertes de WatsonX? Se trata de una propuesta de valor para aquellas empresas que quieren una solución completa para proyectos de IA, que facilite la gestión de datos y el desarrollo de modelos totalmente personalizados. es un componente de la plataforma que se centra en la gestión y procesamiento de los datos. Destaca por su escalabilidad, lo cual permite ampliar las cargas de trabajo de forma sencilla. En pocas palabras, hablamos de un almacén de datos abierto, híbrido y gobernado.
¿Por qué merece la pena este complemento? Es muy interesante para todos los negocios que buscan mayor flexibilidad en el análisis de información, así como la integración de la IA en materia de ingeniería de datos y una gobernanza de datos exitosa.

Nos referimos al componente de la plataforma WatsonX centrada en el desarrollo de modelos de IA. Proporciona un entorno en el que las empresas pueden entrenar, validar, ajustar e implementar sus propios modelos de IA de forma mucho más sencilla. Se trata de una solución apropiada para dar vida a soluciones de inteligencia artificial generativa, así como herramientas basadas en el machine learning y el aprendizaje automático.
¿Por qué es tan interesante Es un complemento pensado para las empresas que estén buscando la implementación de modelos propios, desde un entorno de desarrollo de IA que facilite esta enorme tarea.

people analyzing data on a whiteboard

Boost your organization thanks to data

We convert your data into valuable information. Optimize any process of your business with the support of IBM technology.


Finally, we focus on WatsonX.governance, which is the platform component designed to direct, manage, and monitor AI activities within an organization. So to speak, it is the key to governing artificial intelligence, setting the appropriate limits and parameters. One of its strengths is that it can operate fully effectively in the cloud, offering greater flexibility to organizations.
Why is it so useful? Basically, because it offers simplified management and monitoring of AI activities in your business, providing total control over automated operations.

SEIDOR brings the WatsonX platform to your company

At SEIDOR, we have been helping companies like yours improve their profitability for more than four decades. We do this by implementing the best digital solutions and providing a top-notch human team. Our priority is to offer you the best service so that your business grows sustainably.
We are aware that it is not always easy to take advantage of the opportunities offered by emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or generative algorithms. That is why we strive to make these and many other proposals accessible to all types of organizations so that they can benefit from them in their daily operations. Contact us now, enjoy the peace of mind that comes from working with SEIDOR, an expert in IBM solution implementations, and elevate your business to Industry 4.0 with WatsonX.