
22 December 2021

5 Reasons to organise a company with an ERP system

ERP is a set of applications for business planning. Its functionalities will vary depending on the type of company using it. Organising a company with ERP will be fundamental and key to greater resource efficiency and optimisation. ERP offers solutions for document management, monitoring and control, including modules for customers and suppliers.

Features of a robust ERP

So that this ERP is operational and allows us to properly organise a company, it must have at least these features:

· Allow automation when capturing data.

· It must be modular, i.e. it must be possible to add, activate or deactivate its different functionalities.

· Operation should be relatively easy to configure, clear and intuitive.

· Able to interact and collaborate between the different modules.

· Function as a centre for storing the company's data.

What if I don't have ERP?

The problems of SMEs that do not have ERP will mainly affect productivity and disorganisation. This will result in an unequal use of resources and, in the medium term, a decrease in profitability. The main reasons for not organising a company with ERP are, above all:

Data decentralisation

At the organisational level it would involve extra efforts to achieve the same results as with ERP, but with more human resources. Quick access to day-to-day data and information is vital to avoid wasting time. So it would not make sense to waste hours on something that could be done immediately using technologies.

Outdated information

In this era of Big Data, using ERP system to obtain data in real time is of paramount importance. In addition to not having quick access, in many cases the information is likely to be outdated and obsolete.

Today, a moderately competitive company cannot afford to operate without adequate management software. It is unprofessional to handle data that is not up to date. As a result, ERP and its implementation will almost be mandatory.

Main reasons to organise a company with an ERP system

Antes de decidirse por el proveedor que instalará el software, se necesita un estudio. For this, the joint work of the client and the developer will be vital. Aspects and objectives that are to be met must be clear. With the right consultancy you will save a lot of work time and get a better fit. The main reasons are basically these:

· Better ability to plan the company or SME in a more structured way.

· Reduce the chances of human error, forgetfulness or absent-mindedness by leaving control under software.

· Efficient communication between the different departments of the company will be linked to profitability.

In short, ERP software involves time saving and incident forecasting. It facilitates the work of workers making their time more productive. It is a tool that will help to plan and improve results. And the reports that will be generated will provide valuable data to optimise future processes.

Product, stock and inventory planning

ERP facilitates control and flow of, for example, the products that make up the company's stock. In this way, you know what will need to be replenished or what you have a surplus of. This will allow optimisation of investments only in the necessary products and adapt them to the real needs.

Planificación de productos, stocks e inventarios

Improved sales management

Accurate knowledge of turnover, of the overall statistics must be comprehensive. For this reason, knowing in detail when they produce increases or decreases in turnover will offer a better business organisation. Every company seeks growth and having this information organised in databases is essential to know its progress and evolution.

Mejora en la gestión de ventas

Efficiency in external customer management: CRM

An essential part of organising a company with ERP is customer management by the sales manager. One of the most important modules is the CRM module for storing customer and prospect data.

A competent commercial department will rely on CRM to carry out its commercial work, real customer management and loyalty. Likewise, prospects will be organised and will help to ensure that nothing is left undone or delayed.

Something as crucial as the commercial department will have all the specified tasks. In this way, meetings, calls, notifications, emails, marketing campaigns, etc. will be organized.

Eficiencia en la gestión externa con clientes CRM

It will save time

Each department in a company uses different data, but sometimes there are common data that all should share. If they are all centralised, this will make them immediately accessible in real time and any changes will be replicated immediately.

This will always mean saving time for workers and, as a result, increasing effectiveness.

Supone un ahorro de tiempos

It involves cost savings and higher profits

Another advantage of organising a company with ERP is financial savings in the medium and long term. Efficiency implies faster production in all departments. Purchases, sales, trade and human resources management will benefit. A successful methodology with this software will streamline all processes. Organising a company with ERP will therefore be a complete success.

Implica ahorros en costes y mayor beneficio

ERP implementation

Implementing ERP in a company is a task that must be carried out in a planned manner if it is to be successful. The first thing is to understand the company's business and exactly what it needs in order to select the modules.

If the company already has one, there will be a migration from one platform to another and this will have to be done by a team of consultants. Once implemented, a period of training of the staff to be employed will be necessary. Obviously, the first few weeks will be monitored both technically and in terms of adaptation.

SEIDOR: Business Management Solutions

At SEIDOR we have business management software solutions (ERP) that are easy to use. We are focused on small and medium sized companies offering complementary applications for the necessary support in each sector.

Contact us and tell us about your business, we will offer you the best tool for your company. Both SAP BUSINESS ONE and BUSINESS ONE SIMPLE are a total guarantee of success and our vast experience is proof of this.

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