
21 June 2023

The development of EDGE computing as a competitive business advantage

In today's business world, where technology is advancing at breakneck speed, it is essential to keep ahead of the pack in order to survive and thrive. One of the most promising technology trends that is gaining momentum is EDGE computing. This revolutionary approach to data processing and analysis offers an unprecedented competitive advantage to companies that know how to use it. In this article, we will explore how EDGE computing has become a determining factor in the digital age, and why its efficient implementation can make all the difference in the success of a business.

Business in the post-perimeter era

In an increasingly interconnected world, where information is constantly flowing across devices and systems, businesses face an unprecedented challenge: managing data outside its traditional perimeter. In the past, organisations focused on protecting and leveraging data generated internally, within their own infrastructures. Today, however, it has become crucial to recognise that a great deal of valuable information is generated beyond the physical boundaries of a company.

Imagine this: an electronics manufacturer that only collects data on the performance of its devices after they have been sold and are in the hands of customers. Or a logistics service provider that only collects information on the location of its vehicles when they are on its own property. These companies are missing an invaluable opportunity to understand and improve their operations in real time. The outside world, the environment in which a company's customers, suppliers and assets interact, is full of valuable data that can transform the way a company does business.

EDGE computing is the solution to this challenge. This revolutionary approach allows companies to capture, process and analyse data in real time right at the edge of the network, where it is generated. It is no longer necessary to wait for data to reach central data centres or the cloud for processing. Now, informed decisions can be made instantly, with fresh and relevant information. This opens up a world of possibilities for companies wishing to stay ahead of the curve and gain a significant competitive advantage.

Imagine the potential: a transport company that collects real-time data on its vehicles and routes, allowing it to optimise logistics, reduce costs and deliver products more efficiently. Or a retailer that uses smart sensors in its stores to understand customer shopping patterns in real time, providing a personalised and relevant experience. These examples only scratch the surface of what is possible with EDGE computing.

EDGE computing invites us to change our mindset, to broaden our horizons and to look beyond the conventional boundaries of a company. It challenges us to recognise that the outside world, with all its data, events and opportunities, is fertile ground for innovation and business growth. We can no longer be blind to what happens beyond our corporate walls. We must have the courage to explore and make the most of the data generated on the edge of the network.


Join one of the training sessions on EDGE technologies

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 75% of organisations' data will be processed outside their data centre or Cloud. Discover how to deal with the transmission, storage management and processing of these huge amounts of data with EDGE technologies.

Popularisation of electronics and communications networks as catalysts for EDGE computing

Two key factors have driven the development of EDGE computing in recent years. First, the popularisation of electronics, sensors and chips has enabled greater data capture and processing capability in ever smaller and more efficient devices. This has paved the way for the proliferation of EDGE-based solutions, from smart sensors in the manufacturing industry to wearable devices in healthcare.
Secondly, the ease of connection to different communications networks, such as LPWA (Low Power Wide Area), 5G and other wireless technologies has been fundamental to the mass deployment of EDGE computing. These networks provide the infrastructure to transmit large volumes of data from EDGE devices to central data centres or the cloud, enabling faster processing and real-time decision-making.
Michael Porter, EDGE and the importance of the business model

Michael Porter, a renowned expert in business strategy, has stated that "a product can be easily copied, but a business model is more difficult to copy". This idea becomes even more relevant in the context of EDGE computing. While technological advances may allow various companies to implement similar EDGE solutions, the real competitive advantage lies in the way these technologies are integrated into a company's business model.
EDGE computing is not simply about adopting advanced devices and sensors. It is about designing a strategic focus that makes the most of the data and digital processes generated on the edge of the network. By incorporating EDGE computing into the DNA of a business model, companies can optimise their operations, improve decision-making and offer services and experiences that are tailored to their customers.
Some examples of EDGE projects

To better understand how EDGE computing can generate real competitive advantages, let's take a look at some examples of successful projects:

  • Manufacturing industry: A factory uses sensors and smart devices connected through LPWA networks to collect real-time data on machine performance, energy consumption and other key parameters. These data are processed at the edge of the network, which allows early detection of faults, maintenance optimisation and improvement of overall production efficiency.
  • Smart Retail: A retail chain implements EDGE solutions to capture and analyse real-time sensor data, such as customer location, inventory levels and purchasing preferences. These data are used to offer personalised offers to customers, optimise the availability of products in stores and improve the shopping experience in general.
  • Means of transport: A transport company uses EDGE computing to collect and analyse real-time data on sensors and devices integrated into its vehicles. This enables the monitoring of fuel efficiency, predictive maintenance and improvement of road safety. In addition, the data captured in the EDGE can be used to optimise routes, reduce delivery times and improve the customer experience.
  • Manufacturers of distributed electronic assets: Manufacturers of household appliances or vending machines implement EDGE solutions to collect performance, maintenance and energy consumption data from their distributed products. These data are used to improve operational efficiency, detect problems before they become faults and offer better technical support to customers. EDGE computing allows manufacturers to leverage data in real time to optimise their products and services.
  • Precision farming: In the agricultural sector, EDGE computing is used to collect data from sensors and devices in the field, including information about soil moisture, temperature and air quality. These data are processed at the edge of the network to make real-time decisions on irrigation, fertilisation and pest control. By optimising these processes, farmers can increase productivity, reduce costs and minimise environmental impact


EDGE computing has emerged as a unique opportunity for companies that want to obtain a competitive advantage in the digital age. The popularisation of electronics, progress in communications networks and understanding that important data are generated outside the scope of a company are key factors that drive its development. However, it is crucial to understand that the successful implementation of EDGE computing goes beyond the adoption of advanced technologies. It is also crucial to integrate them into a company's business model strategically.
Time is essential. Companies that act quickly to take advantage of the opportunities offered by EDGE computing will be a step ahead of the competition. Now is the time to explore how EDGE computing can transform your operations, improve decision-making and provide you with a lasting competitive advantage in the digital market. Don't wait for others to do it first. Act now and be a leader in your industry. The future is in EDGE computing! Are you ready to embrace it and make it your competitive advantage?