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14 May 2024

Diversity and Equal Opportunities: Past, Present, and Future

People-Centric culture

The heart and soul of any organization are the people who are part of it. Human capital is what pumps blood through the arteries of innovation, relationships, strategies, development plans, internal policies... We can call it many things: organization, company, structure, unit, department, area... If we think about it a little better, we are talking about: groups, teams, values, attitudes, behaviors, community... But if we get to the core of the matter, if we talk about an organization, in the end we are talking about people.

In our case, we know with great certainty how important it is to have developed a people-centered culture. Wanting to be a genuinely human company. It turns out that at SEIDOR, a good part of our happiness is related to that feeling of being “a great family and a great human team”.

Three years ago, we decided to start asking the organization through job satisfaction surveys and we have been conducting them periodically since then. The star indicator in all of them has always been the same, “colleagues”, that is, the people who work at SEIDOR are the most valued among us in this company. In addition, we are very sure that this indicator will continue to be number one for many years; it is part of our identity.

Our vocation is to be one of the best technology companies in the market and we also want to achieve it without ceasing to be a genuinely human company. People have been and are one of our fundamental pillars and we bet on them to make us grow as an organization: they bring us value, ideas, and initiative.

This purpose has been consolidating in recent years. We have had to unlearn rigid organizational structures based on old production models, and evolve into something more organic and human. The People Area was born in 2017, with the mission of listening to and taking care of people, the Labor Administration Area has been consolidated as a key support area in labor advice from a close and human perspective; and the establishment of the Coexistence Committee in 2018, with the mission of creating a work environment that is healthy and safe for each and every one of us.

This year we reinforce our commitment by designing an Equality Plan with the aim of establishing a roadmap towards the social change that is imperative in recent years. Our fundamental objective is to guarantee full equality of rights and opportunities among all the people in the organization.

Coexistence Committee and Action Plan 2018-2020

"We work for diversity and equal opportunities"

In 2018, the Coexistence Committee was created at SEIDOR, which is currently formed by: Montse García, Esther López, Eric Vargas, and Meidy Hernández. It was created in response to the need and obligation to promote a safe and healthy work environment for all individuals and the desire to establish a strong internal regulation aligned with the organization's pillars. One of the objectives of this committee is the communication and coordination of protocols and actions to ensure prevention, detection, and action in different areas with the aim of guaranteeing a safe and healthy work environment.

2 years ago, SEIDOR's management committed to the creation of a series of measures that guarantee respect for diversity and a healthy coexistence in our work environment. This commitment and the action plan derived from it, in addition to being based on Law 11/2014, of October 10, to guarantee the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, transsexuals, and intersex people and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia; is a demonstration of the importance that ensuring that we can all work without feeling discriminated against or unprotected has for our organization. The commitment is strong and was formalized with the creation of a series of measures that guarantee respect for diversity and a healthy coexistence in our work environment.

  • Prepare a list of principles and measures to ensure equal opportunities and non-discrimination for LGTTBIQ+ individuals that will be published together with the company's Code of Conduct.
  • Carry out informative campaigns on sexual and gender diversity every year, coinciding with the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (May 17).
  • Inclusion in the annual budget of the study and external advice to respond in the best possible way to people who want to voluntarily share their needs due to sexual orientation, identity, and gender expression.
  • Equalization of marriage rights and rights of de facto couples regardless of their sex or gender.
  • Audits of non-sexist and inclusive language in all internal communication.
  • Support for transgender and transsexual individuals considering their needs and rights in the workplace.
  • Privacy. Safeguard the legal identity of any interested person and can only be accessed by those workers who require it out of strict necessity for the type of work they carry out in the company.
  • Use of company facilities. The company allows the use of services according to the psychological gender of the person, not the one at birth.
  • Without dress codes or limitations on gender expression.
  • Explicit selection policies that ensure non-discrimination of any kind.
  • Professional development policies without conditions based on sex or gender in performance evaluation plans, development, or training actions.
  • Protocol for sexual, psychological, and interpersonal conflicts harassment. The company has a protocol in place to manage suspicions or reports from workers to ensure their rights.

Awareness, Prevention and Action

As we mentioned above, one of the objectives of the Coexistence Committee is the communication and coordination of protocols and actions that guarantee prevention, detection, and action in different areas with the aim of ensuring a safe and healthy work environment.

Every year we commit to carrying out training and awareness actions to take further steps towards having a clean view free of prejudices and stereotypes. During 2019, for example, we highlight the collaboration with Maria Giralt, LGTBI activist, feminist, and director of the social area of Pride! Barcelona. We also enjoyed a very colorful breakfast.

This year we wanted to take a step further in this commitment and give more visibility to the LGTTBIQ+ community's claim. In addition to the actions we carry out internally and as a novelty for SEIDOR, our corporate colors will change slightly for a few days to join the rainbow "tsunami," we are very happy that this is the case.

Past, Present, and Future

Since our inception, we have evolved and grown as an organization. Respecting, protecting, and sharing the foundational values has been the premise that has allowed us to reach where we are today: at the forefront of digital transformation.

We know that as a society we still have a long way to go, we have many prejudices and "views" to clean, we still have steps to take towards a culture that is respectful, inclusive, and diverse. That is why we strive every day for our activity to develop ethically, transparently, and honestly; and we want the experience of working at SEIDOR to be valuable and enriching for all the people who are (or will be) part of the company.

As the organization we are and want to be, we feel obligated to set the best possible example and to be fully aligned with these values that should be the foundation of any modern society. That is why we commit to continue working and adopting all necessary measures within our reach to continue on the path of being a genuinely human company.

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