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June 06, 2024

What is CookiePro?

CookiePro is a cookie consent tool, designed to comply with current GDPR regulations on your website.

CookiePro provides us with a script that we will place on our website and it will apply a customizable banner with the configurations and aesthetics that we need.

What is CookiePro and what does it bring to our website?

To use this tool, we must access the following website:

Once we access it, we can see a box where we will have to fill in the information. Once filled out and sent, they will send us a confirmation email. Once we are ready, we will have to access the following URL:

Once logged in, we will see a large control panel with multiple options. We will discuss its functionalities below:

  • Scan website: At this point, we will have to place the URL of the website we want. This URL will be scanned and will collect all the cookies that are currently being used on it. This process will be more or less costly depending on the size of the website.
  • Cookie classification: Once we have scanned, it will return a list with all the cookies grouped into different categories. If any cookie has not been grouped, or we want it to belong to another category, we can move it and place it in the desired location. It also allows us to create new categories or modify the name.
  • Banner configuration: Among the different options, we have the style of the banner that will appear on the website. CookiePro offers us different templates and formats with different configurations through a graphical interface. We can also configure the buttons, texts, and functionality of the elements. CookiePro is multilingual and allows us to configure several languages if needed. By default, it will show us a text that complies with the law, and it also allows us to customize it.
  • Publication: Once we have all the data and configurations correct, it is published.
  • Script: Once we have completed the previous steps, we will see that it returns a script that we must insert into our website. If we have several languages, it will give us a script for each of them.

If you still do not have control over the cookies on your website, at Drauta we can help you configure and customize this and other tools.

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