

Web and app development

Developing a website or app enables us to optimise a specific action, experience or objective strategically. At SEIDOR, we transform these points of contact with customers into results through an optimised design and structure.


Web and app development

Developing a website or app enables us to optimise a specific action, experience or objective strategically. At SEIDOR, we transform these points of contact with customers into results through an optimised design and structure.

SEIDOR offers end-to-end development of digital solutions. The success of a strong and credible brand relies on communicating a visual identity that users recognise. It must be presented in a way that is customer-friendly and optimised for all types of users, devices and connections.

We produce results by researching each client, generating a design and features to obtain the desired outcomes.

We determine the right design for each situation. We start by focusing on preliminary needs analysis, conceptualisation and information architecture before developing digital prototypes and multi-device adaptability to optimise the experience.


We develop digital solutions following the Scrum methodology, using the best tools for the needs of each project. Following the development stage, we perform quality assurance tests and provide training for users and content managers.


We support the infrastructure team for assembly and implementation, covering the development, pre-production and production environments.

System service
Servicio de sistemas
Análisis web

This includes tag management and appearance in search results through Google Tag Manager, Analytics and Search Console. We also analyse user behaviour with heat maps and measure user interactions with the Hotjar tool.

Web analytics services

We design and develop solutions, focusing on every aspect of the website to optimise your SEO. These elements include images, language redirects, sitemaps, OpenGraph, load performance, accessibility, optimisation for all types of devices, schema, robots.txt files to define interaction rules, 301 redirects and CDN.

SEO services
Servicios SEO

What we offer


We develop scalable and attractive online stores with the best features and latest technology. Manage orders, products, stock and customers from the back office and develop marketing and SEO actions.
If you have other platforms, such as ERPs or CRMs (customer relationship management), SEIDOR's expertise will provide maximum integration for a centralised and optimised store.

We create a ready-to-sell e-commerce solution for your company


You can create coupon campaigns and product promotions and benefit from the latest SEO techniques to position your website in Google.


Grow your business reach exponentially thanks to e-commerce. Benefit from a multi-language, multi-currency store and manage logistics worldwide.


We create solutions, focusing on the details of each of your e-commerce web pages. We develop advanced filters to help your customers find products quickly.

User experience

We design online stores with the user in mind, guaranteeing optimum usability and providing all payment methods.


Desarrollo web con Drupal

El desarrollo de una web o una app nos permite optimizar de forma estratégica una acción, experiencia u objetivo específico. Desde SEIDOR, transformamos estos puntos de contacto con los clientes en resultados a través de un diseño y una estructura optimizados.

APP: Progressive Web Apps

Las Progressive Web Apps o aplicaciones web progresivas son una solución basada en webs tradicionales incorporando particularidades de apps nativas para smartphones y tablets.

¿Qué ventajas tienen las Progressive Web Apps?

No es necesario que la app se encuentre en ningún Marketplace de apps para poder descargarla, simplemente conexión a internet y un navegador. Además, el usuario podrá instalar la app en la página de inicio de su dispositivo y consultarla en todo momento. Se actualizará cuando disponga de conexión a internet.

Características de una PWA


La app se adaptará a cualquier formato, navegador y dispositivo.


Siempre se mostrará la última versión al usuario.


Se utiliza el protocolo HTTPS y i tecnologías TLS para el cifrado web.


Tanto de carga como de navegación optimizada.


Posibilidad de disponer de acceso parcial o total sin conexión a internet.


Posibilidad de ejecución en múltiples dispositivos, sistemas operativos y navegadores.

Acceso directo

Pueden aparecer en los resultados de los buscadores.


Apariencia nativa y funcionalidades propias.